This is truly one of the most personal blog posts I have yet to write. One I have been wanting to write for SO long now. We are thrilled to announce we are expecting our 3rd child and the final piece to our little family in early spring! In our heart of hearts, I always felt like we weren’t “done” having children. I would talk about how much “easier” it was as the kids got older, but my heart just couldn’t get on the “I’m completely done” bandwagon. So I am feeling super blessed right now knowing our next and final little munchkin is expected in April of 2018!
However, let me take you back to last December. Something I truly never talk about, because sometimes it hurts too much. But it is so so common but why does it feel so forbidden to talk about? I’m breaking the rules on that right now. Last December we found out were were pregnant. We were shocked but after that wore off quickly, we were thrilled. After two ultrasounds showing a strong heartbeat we decided to surprise our family over the holidays and share our good news. We even shared the news with our children, who were more thrilled than anybody. Things were great, everything was perfect. Until it wasn’t. During a blizzard in January, I miscarried. It was pretty awful, as any miscarriage is. Let’s stop and touch base on that real quick. Miscarriages. It is absolutely insane how common they are. Do you know statistics show that every 1 in 4 pregnancies end in a miscarriage? Some women don’t even know they are pregnant and perhaps think it’s just a late period, but some women, know very well that they were. I know lots of friends and family members who have gone through them unfortunately, so the support was there for us. I went into a state of depression and felt awful for weeks but each month got better, but it’s something you never forget. To be blunt, its just a shitty thing to go through and to anyone who has experienced one and has felt like they had to keep quiet about it because people just don’t know what to say. I am sorry. My heart grieves for you. Just know you aren’t alone.
I kept thinking, maybe I am too old to have another child. Maybe it’s just not in the books for us. We have two perfectly healthy children ….a boy and a girl. Maybe it just wasn’t in the universe’s plans. I became convinced of that as months went on. Until….. the universe’s plans aligned with our hope. We found out we were having our sweet nugget mid August and our rainbow of hope was on the way.
Pregnancy after a miscarriage can be tough. I don’t want to spend this whole pregnancy relating it back to our prior loss, but you are definitely more cautious and nervous. However, I just had my 12 week check up this week along with my 3rd ultrasound and things are looking great. Our sweet rainbow baby, is doing amazing.
Our families are thrilled and have been so supportive and happy for us. Our children are beyond excited and have so many plans for the baby when he/she comes. I know they are going to be just the best help and big siblings to our sweet munchkin. And my friends have been just amazing. And can I seriously give a huge shoutout to my amazing tribe? My tribe is small, but they are whole. Thank you to all my friends who have been there for me these past couple months through crazy hormones, exhaustion, severe headaches, taking my kids for me just because I am tired, weekly text check in’s just to show they care, phone calls on the same and even flowers. I am so lucky to have you all in my life. It never goes unnoticed and I’m forever gracious for you.
I’ve gotten some random questions so I am going to address them all at once, just for fun!
How far along are you and how are you feeling? I am a little over 12 weeks and feeling fabulous! (minus headaches) So close to 2nd trimester I can taste it! I was tired for weeks and I still have insomnia but I have that not pregnant…sooo…
When will you find out what you are having? At birth! Team Green over here and we love the surprise in finding out at birth. I know some people can’t do that, but it’s one of those true surprises in life and we would just like to wait.
Do you have any names picked out? Everyday its something new, but like the sex of the baby, we are saving the reveal on names at birth (sorry Mom)!
How are you hiding the bump? For a while it was not much of a bump but this week it was like “Oh hey mom!!” Im glad it’s out in the open now and I can start flaunting it!
When will you stop taking sessions and then begin again? My plan is to stop taking sessions in mid-March and resume again beginning to mid-May if all goes well! I have already gotten requests for April and have booked them for May. So if you are wanting a spring session, dates are limited, you can email me HERE. On that note, after October, I will not be taking sessions in NJ again until I am home for my annual summer trip in June and July. There are a few October mini sessions left, so contact me if you want to get on the calendar!
How excited were your kids? THRILLED!! When we had to explain to them about the miscarriage in January, they were heartbroken, so sharing the news with them was really exciting.
Can you still work out? TOTALLY! Thank God! I need some fitness in my life or I would go crazy. My doctor has given me the red flag on a half marathon I was supposed to run in late November but I have been keeping on at 3-5 mile runs, which he approves, classes at the Y, gentle yoga at the yoga studio I go to and Orange Theory, which is my new obsession! I hope to go as long as I can and keep up on everything. Considering my eating habits have changed and all the healthy, Paleo friendly food I used to love, I want nothing to do with now, working out is helpful haha.
Any cravings? CARBS! It’s awful!
Any aversions? Chicken and pork. I. Can’t. Even. Been eating lots of vegetarian dishes. Some red meat is ok, but chicken has been grossing me out.
How excited are you? I can’t even describe it. My heart is so fulfilled with joy and happiness. We are so excited for this next chapter in our lives. It’s going to be quite the adventure.
Thanks for the love and following along on our next adventure. We truly appreciate it. Stay posted to the blog for more updates!
Photo Credits: Rustic Simplicity Images by Marion (who is amazing by the way!)
I’m so exciting can’t wait to come and stay with y’all to be part of the excitement.
Congratulations! How exciting for your whole family! And thank you for sharing this post 🙂
Thank you so much!! And thank you for reading about your journey! xo
Oh Jessica,
I am so pleased to read your blog. I rarely look at facebook but the hint was there and I wanted to see if it was the wonderful news.
I am a Mother of three sons but that’s not the whole story. My first child, Amber was still born after a perfect pregnancy. Two miscarriages followed by a divorce from a man who was as depressed as I was. Therapy was never considered or offered. No one ever mentioned my pregnancy when I returned to work. It was though it never happened and yet I felt as though there was a huge hole in my soul.
Years passed but this has a happy ending. I was asked if I would like to adopt a child by the 16 year old birth mom. I sought legal advice and as a single mom it all came together. I was whole again. I married a man who had custody of a 3 year old son and at 41 I had a perfect pregnancy. That’s right 3 sons. My 3 sons. God is good!
I did not know miscarriages were so common. Thank you for sharing this with others that may have a hole in their heart too…..
Oh Dana, I had no idea! My heart goes out to you. You are one amazingly, strong lady and one amazing mother. Don’t ever forget that. I hope to cross paths with you soon. Thank you for sharing your story and reading about our journey. All the best! XO